Derby Streec CC Logo

Directors Report – Welcome to 2014

Welcome to our first newsletter for the year. Thank you to all the families for the support you have offered the staff during the difficult time that they have faced recently. They are all extremely appreciative.


The centre’s Annual General Meeting will be conducted on Tuesday 18th March at 7pm. It’s a great night to meet other families and find out what has been going on in the centre over the past year. It is also a chance to join committee if you are interested.

Working Bee

Our working bee to sparkle up our yards will be on Saturday 15th March from 9am to 1pm. Please bring along any gardening tools that you may have i.e. wheel barrows, shovels, gloves etc

Sessional Kindergarten

As of 2015 the centre will no longer be taking external children for sessional kindergarten. This means that only the children that are enrolled in the centre for the full year of 2014 will be able to attend sessional kindergarten. We have not decided on how the sessions will be offered next year we will do this around June, so stay tuned.

Long day will continued to be offered as normal. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.